Alizander - Human (Varisian) sorcerer
Carlos Santiago - Half-orc (Alkenstarian) wizard
Croso Galen - Human fighter
Nagiphax - Cyclops-kin rogue
Orem "The Ser" Galt - Human (Chelish/Kellid) fighter (formerly in the service of Iomedae)
Slavé - Tiefling (appears human) rogue
Tavo - Human cleric of Pharasma
Vaeden Corleone - Human rogue
Each party member is contacted by a woman named Janiven, or one of her associates, and is asked to meet at Vizio’s Tavern the following afternoon.
Sunday, 8 Rova (September), 4708 A.R.
The party members meet Janiven at Vizio’s Tavern (abandoned and unused for the last several months) and learn of her plans to bring about change in Westcrown by appealing to its people to protest against the government. Before they can react to her words, a young teenager (Morosino) enters the tavern on the run from Hellknights of the Rack, who he explains have captured their leader, a half-elf cleric of Iomadae named Arael.
Janiven opens a trap door in the floor, behind the bar, and she, Morosino and the rest of the group hustle into a tunnel underneath the tavern that leads to the Westcrown sewers. Janiven bars the door to the sewers behind her, and the party makes its way through the winding, twisting sewer system as fast as possible, following a series of barely visible marks left by Janiven and Arael weeks ago on a scouting trip through the sewers marking the path to another safehouse elsewhere in the city.
The party comes across a growth of strange, human-sized purple mushrooms in a larger cistern room. The mushrooms emit a loud shrieking noise as the party approaches. Carlos destroys the fungi with a ray of frost, and the party rushes out of the cistern room. Unfortunately, the noise attracts a group of four goblins, and a fierce skirmish ensues with the savage creatures. As the party fights the goblins, a small squad of Hellknight armigers (new recruits to the organization) catches up with the party, and the assault continues with enemies on either side. The goblins succumb to the spells, spears and swords of the group, and the Hellknight armigers are, at last, rendered unconscious. Loath to kill her enemies, Janiven urges mercy and hopes that the armigers did not get a good look at their faces in the dim torchlight and heat of battle. The party stabilizes the Hellknight recruits and binds them before continuing the race through the sewers, looking for the exit to the safehouse.
- 24 vials of Cure Light Wounds potion (from Janiven's and Arael's stash)
- 4 vials of Cure Light Wounds potion (from the Hellknight armigers)
Experience Awards
- Story Awards: 1500 xp
- Goblins (4): 800 xp
- Hellknight Armigers (4): 540 xp
- Total: 2840 xp
- Per PC: 355 xp
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