Sunday, April 4, 2010

Golarion Months and Days

The current year is 4708 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning). The Golarion year roughly corresponds to our Earth year, with 52 weeks of 7 days each. The names of the days and months of the Golarion calendar are as follows:


Moonday (work, religion)
Toilday (work)
Wealday (work)
Oathday (work, pacts signed, oaths given)
Fireday (work, market day)
Starday (work)
Sunday (rest, religion)


Abadius (winter)
Calistril (winter)
Pharast (spring)
Gozran (spring)
Desnus (spring)
Sarenith (summer)
Erastus (summer)
Arodius (summer)
Rova (autumn)
Lamashan (autumn)
Neth (autumn)
Kuthona (winter)

Holidays in Cheliax

1 Abadius: New Year

2 Calistril: Merrymead
19 Calistril: Treaty of Egorian

31 Arodus: Leap Day (leap years occur every eight years; the next will be in 4612 A.R.)

Second Oathday in Rova: Signing Day

Second Moonday in Lamashan: Harvest Feast

14 Neth: Even-Tongued Day
23 Neth: Seven Veils

Second week in Kuthona: Winter Week
30 Kuthona: Night of the Pale

Our campaign is starting in the first week of Rova (equivalent to our September). The weather in Westcrown is typically hot and humid throughout the summer. Thunderstorms are common in spring and fall, and although the temperature does drop during the winter, snow is rare and precipitation is more commonly rain. The weather in late Arodius into Rova this year (4608 A.R.) has been unseasonably cold (though still warm by our Canadian standards).

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